:-: C-TEC
C-Tec was originally formed as a side project in 1995 by Jean-Luc De Meyer, Jonathan Sharp (of New Mind), and Ged Denton (of Crisis NTI) as The Cyber-Tec Project. The name was taken from Cyber-Tec Records, who released their first album. This EP was also released on Fifth Column Records in the U.S.A. After this release, Jonathan Sharp left the band and Marc Heal (of Cubanate) joined as a full-time member. The band had been conceived as a one-off project, but the members decided at this point to pursue further material. In 1997, after shortening their name to C-Tec, they released a full album, "Darker", on the legendary U.S. industrial Wax Trax! label. The second album, "Cut", was released in 2000 on SPV imprint Synthetic Symphony. :-: COBALT 60
Cobalt 60 was formed in 1995 by Dominique Lallement and Jean-Luc De Meyer. Early 1996, the band was signed by Edel and recorded their first album "Elemental" in London with Craig Leon (Suicide, Blondie, The Ramones, The Triffids, The Pogues, The Primitives, and many more). This album is a return to the roots of electronic music as it was composed and played on one single standard sampler, very much in the spirit of the original pioneers of electronic music such as Suicide. The album condenses 20 years of alternative electronic music with sampled guitars and techno rhythms. It sounds rough, obvious, melodic and personal. Two singles were lifted from the album: "If I was" and "Born Again", produced by Marc Heal (Cubanate & C-Tec). Early 1997, the band rearranged the song "Crush", one the songs of the popular CDR game "Command & Conquer, part II : Red Alert", that opened the soundtrack of the game and was released as a club-single. In may 1997, the band was hired by Origin Systems / Electronic Arts, the famous U.S. game company, to write 10 songs for the fifth episode of their bestseller game "Wing Commander: Prophecy". The song "Prophecy", released as a single, was used for the promotion campaign of the game and opened the Original Soundtrack Audio CD that also featured Rammstein, Fear Factory, KMFDM, Die Krupps, Project Pitchfork, etc. Shortly afterwards, Cobalt 60's live guitarist Robert Wilcocks (known from his previous work with The Cassandra Complex, Summit, Artwork, Sleeping Dogs Wake) became the permanent third member and producer of Cobalt 60. With the second album "Twelve", the new set of musical equipment and the presence of several guest musicians, Cobalt 60's music gained a new dimension in vision, diversity and maturity while retaining the raw intensity of the original Cobalt sound. "Twelve" contains several true love songs, and it’s the word "Love" that opens the lyrical contents of the album in the track "Wail", a poem by Dorothy Parker. :-: MODERN CUBISM
Modern Cubism or the translation of poetry into music; an attractive challenge. :-: 32 CRASH
A trip to the year 2107 with Len Lemeire, Jan D'Hooghe and Jean-Luc De Meyer. :-: L'ECRIVEUR
"Tous Contraints, tome I : réécritures oulipiennes de textes célèbres" est le premier recueil poétique format bookleg de la main de Jean-Luc De Meyer. Derrière le titre un rien alambiqué se cachent une trentaine de lipogrammes - ou textes à contraintes - dans lesquels l’auteur, à l’instar de nombreux oulipiens, se prive volontairement de certaines lettres (souvent le « e ») pour réécrire à sa facétieuse manière des textes illustres de la langue française tels que des fables de la Fontaine, du Baudelaire, du Rimbaud, du Corneille, des extraits de la Bible et même du Brassens. Le bookleg est disponible à la vente dans toutes les bonnes librairies de Belgique qui diffusent Maelström (Tropismes, Filigranes, Yeux Gourmands…), ou via le site web de Maelström - Editions en réévolution. Maelström fait partie du réseau de RéÉvolution Poétique! |